Our craziest day this week by far was Tuesday. After a weekend of grading papers, baking, and delivering goodies, Tuesday morning was supposed to be smooth sailing. However, around 10 I took a look at Emma and got the sneaking suspicion that pinkeye had hit us again (we had a bought of it last February just as we were moving). As the day progressed, it became more and more clear that Emma definitely had pinkeye. Luckily the drops from last time were still good, so we didn't have to run to the doctor's office, but my final for my class was from 3-5. Do you know anyone who wants to babysit a child with pinkeye? After several increasingly frantic phone calls, I found a young couple who had just moved into the ward. They have, hurray for me, no kids. They've been married for 3 weeks. Megan came right over without a hesitation even though she had never met me. I am so grateful for good people, good wards, and answered prayers. My final went great, most of my students will pass the class, and my kids were happy when I got home.
Then came Wednesday and another answered prayer. For those of you who have been following, I love teaching. Wednesday morning I was able to go to Idaho Falls and meet a woman over the general education classes at Eastern Idaho Technical College. She hired me to teach an ENGL 101 course next semester. I'll have to drive to Idaho Falls, but it's only one evening a week. I'm looking forward to it. Hurray! I get to teach.
Friday, Nick and I went to Boise for Nick's work party. His parents came all the way from Wyoming on nasty roads to stay with the girls. Nick and I had decent traveling weather and enjoyed a fun couple of days. Last night when we got home, Grandma and Grandpa Charles let the girls open their Christmas presents. They gave Ashlyn a rocking horse that whinnies and wags its tail. Emma has somewhat claimed it for now and has named it Fire Rose. Yes, she came up with that one on her own. Nick is trying his best to get her to call it Spit Wad, of all nasty things. What I have to put up with some times. Sigh. Emma received a trunk with three dresses, slippers, crowns, and necklaces. That's all she has worn except for the little while we were able to get her into her Christmas church dress. She has referred to Nick as nothing other than Prince and has expected him to dance with her all day. He's humored her and they've spent some good daddy/daughter time together. I think it's kind of hard for him to see his girls be girly. He keeps wanting to make them rather tom-boyish. There's not too much tomboy in their mother, however, so his efforts are rather bouycotted when he's not around.
I was really hoping to get pictures of the girls in their church dresses today, but that just didn't seem to be in the cards. These are what we did get. The video is a bit wobbly at times, sorry. But it is a fun one of the Christmas craziness. I hope you're all having a great holiday and are enjoying Christmas as much as we are. We're looking forward to seeing family and friends over the next couple of weeks.