
It's a Boy! (Feb 8, 2012)

I have been really nervous this pregnancy. For those of you familiar with our story, you'll understand. But I was incredibly nervous the day of our ultrasound. Apparently I shared a good dose of adrenaline with the baby, too, because the tech could hardly get the pictures she needed. I LOVE those sneak peaks of my little people though. There are often times I've wished for a small window so I can just peak on my little one's progress. It's hard to be patient. I can't imagine what it was like to wait for the full 9 months to get even a tiny glimpse of the life growing inside you.

 Our tech was really good. She was a traveling tech who normally did the ultrasounds to double check for potential issues, so she spent a lot of time with us explaining in what ways our baby was growing healthy and normally. With all my nervousness, it was a tremendous blessing. The gist of it is that our little one is strong and healthy, with normal heart, spine, brain, and extremity development. And of course, we were very excited to see that we're getting a BOY! We love our girls, but unless something unexpected happens, this is our last pregnancy, and we really were hoping for a boy. It feels somewhat horrible to say we hoped for a boy, because of course we would have loved another girl, too, but everyone in this family is excited for a boy. Dad especially. I think he's looking forward to potentially a little less drama. Maybe. We'll see if that's what we get. We're certainly looking forward to our little one no matter what.

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