
Emma's Picture

Emma loves to draw. She draws or colors multiple pictures every day. This particular picture is from a collection on a card she made for her cousin Jacob. This picture marks a new phase in her development. She actually put clothes on herself. She's even dressed up in her princess "FireRose" dress, complete with a tiara, necklace, shoes, and rose on her dress. My personal favorite touches, though, are her eyelashes and lips. Usually her drawings have fingers, too.

I love this stage of Emma's life. She is learning in leaps and bounds. In fact, on the back of this card she drew a large number 4, because she's four now. Everything seems to be clicking for her these days. We have such fun conversations, and she loves to learn about everything. Good job, Emma girl.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

It's so good to treasure the happy moments and milestones. I hope you enjoy this period of life, having your kids at home. Once they start school they're away from you a lot!