
I'm finally blogging

I've been wanting to do this for ages, but for some reason it always seemed like such a huge undertaking. Well, here I am. I'll likely be picking your brains while I figure out how to do this. If any of you have tips, please send them my way.

Over Labor Day weekend, we met up with friends of ours (Kade and Tiffani) as well as my sister Kerri and her family and went to Lava Hot Springs, or as Emma calls it, Hot Lava Springs. We had so much fun. Emma looked fantastic in her pink goggles and couldn't get enough of the kiddo water slide, and Ashlyn loved running right into the shade tent set up next to us. Tiffani even helped me gather up the courage to jump off the platform, granted it was the lowest platform, but it still gives me butterflies just thinking about it. The guys did have to show us up though by jumping senselessly from the top platform. Honestly, I have goosebumps just thinking about it. But we really did have fun.

After swimming we went to a delicious Thai restaurant in town. While the food was good, Emma was wiped out. She actually fell asleep at the table. Ashlyn, on the other hand, was good to go. Talk about good memories.


Sarah R said...

I love your blog! I'm so excited that we will have yet another way of keeping in touch and sharing pictures and stories!

Kerri said...

Yea! You're a blogger! Maybe we can learn about blogging together.I have a cute picture of Ashlyn at Lava Hot Springs. I need to email you.

Jadi said...

I was so excited to get your email. I can't believe how big your girls are! Ashyln was just a newborn last time I saw her. Both of your girls are adorable!

Sarah B. said...

YAY! So good to see you (even if it is through pictures)!!! You have the most beautiful family. We miss you a TON! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you started a blog....Sarah (Robertson) and I were just talking about you the other day and I was saying how I wish I could see you guys...and now I can....in pictures anyway. I love the blog address name too. :) Miss you!

Monica said...

Yea for blogging. Now when we don't talk for weeks, we can still keep up on it all. But let's not go for weeks w/o talking, okay.

Ranee` said...

AHHHH! I can't believe how much Ashlynn has grown up! She looks so much like Emma! Sorry I couldn't talk very long the other night. Oh, I miss you soooo much! I'm so glad you have a blog!

Maria said...

Tonya! I'm so excited you started a blog! Your girls are getting so big!

Laurie said...

Woo hoo! Finally.... your girls are getting so big! Give us a call next time you are passing through!

Trish said...

I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering what you are up to. It's so fun to see pictures of your girls! I'm glad you started this.