
Easter at Grandma's New House

Nick's parents were able to get moved into their new house for Easter and wanted to celebrate it right, so we headed over for a big Easter party. The girls had a blast. On Saturday we all enjoyed a delicious Easter dinner, egg fight, egg dying, and of course, egg hunt. It was wonderful.

Sunday morning was really fun. The Easter bunny set up a scavenger hunt throughout the house and left the baskets up in the playroom. The girls, including their cousin Cass, ran through the house after the clues. It was a very fun morning.

Mom's favorite was getting them all dressed up in their pretty dresses. I just love dots. They make me smile. I sure love these girlies.

I thoroughly enjoyed being able to relax a bit on Easter. Usually it is so hectic that we forget what Easter is all about. I am very proud of my Emma. She kept reminding us about our Savior and what Eater is really for. We are so blessed to have a special day to remember Him and all he has done for us. I feel his love for me and my family daily.


Ashlyn's preschool went to a nursery for a fieldtrip. Ash had so much fun and even got to plant her own little pansy flower to bring home.

The girls have always loved the pond feature in the back at this nursery. The bridge and the fish are a must see there. No wonder the smiley faces. Oh, and yes. The rosey cheeks are due to 5ths disease. Both girls have had it. It didn't bother them, but they certainly looked merry and then blotchy. Sorry to anyone we unknowingly shared it with. It's apparently just one more of the fun joys of kids. Let's just focus on the smiles and not the cheeks, right? After all, I can't help but think my girls are stinkin' cute.

Happy Birthday Ashlyn

My baby turned 4 this year. Believe me, it has been bitter sweet. She is growing into such a sweet, wonderful little girl. She's beginning to grow out of the tantrums and is so pleasant to be around. Ashlyn loves to play. She has in incredible imagination and is happy with almost anything to play with. Yes, even two tubes of "lips" (aka chap stick or lip gloss) can become best friends in her pretend games. Her all time favorite is playing with Emma. They have so much fun together. She's still quite strong willed and does things her way 90% of the time, so we have to be rather creative ourselves to get her to do things at times. But who said parenting this child would be boring? Ashy, you are a sweetheart. We love you dearly and are very, very blessed to be your parents.

To start the day off right, I decorated the house the night before. Ashy was in heaven when we woke up to streamers all over. It was so cute. She was a perfect birthday girl.
She also wanted to have a Sleeping Beauty party this year, so we invited a couple of friends over and had a pajama party. I even painted their beautiful nails. Then we decorated cupcakes and opened presents. It was short, sweet, and fun. Everyone had a great time, especially the birthday girl.


Emma is playing soccer this year. It's quite hilarious. She spends most of her time chasing the rest of the kids, but she's starting to get in there more and has started to actually get some kicks in. Mostly we just love to watch her having fun. She gets on the field and always grins from ear to ear the entire time. Go EMMA!

Playing spring soccer in south-eastern Idaho isn't always warm. We've played in wind, rain, and snow. Emma doesn't care. She just grins and runs.

And I love this little sister. She's a trooper and loves watching her sister.